Capability Model ontology

Date :
Current version :
Authors :
Eeva Järvenpää
Contributors :
Eeva Järvenpää
Niko Siltala
Otto Hylli
Imported Ontologies : (visualise it with LODE ) (visualise it with LODE )
Other visualisation :
Ontology source - WebVowl


Capability Model (CM) is defining capabilities for production resources. This model will be extended by adding more capabilities and their parameters, i.e. extending the capability catalogue.

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Classes
  3. Object Properties
  4. Data Properties
  5. Namespace Declarations


Capability Model (CM) is defining capabilities for production resources. This model will be extended by adding more capabilities and their parameters, i.e. extending the capability catalogue.


basic resource informationc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is meant for storing some basic resource information which is needed for combined capability calculation and capability matching, but which is not directly logically related to any capability.
has super-classes
capability parameter additionalc
dimension xdp exactly 1
dimension ydp exactly 1
dimension zdp exactly 1
massdp exactly 1
diameterdp max 1

blind rivetingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to join parts by blind riveting, i.e. riveting only from one side of the product. Sometimes called pop riveting.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
blind riveting
rivet typedp value blind
rivet head shapedp min 1
force maxdp exactly 1
rivet typedp exactly 1
stroke maxdp exactly 1
force mindp max 1
has input capabilityop some movingc
has input capabilityop some pullingc
has input capabilityop some riveting tool functionc
has rivet size maxop some item sizec
has rivet size minop some item sizec
has suitable materialop only material type
has suitable materialop min 1
has item size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
has item size minop max 1
is disjoint with
bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

box shapec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to define the dimensional parameters for a box shaped object.
has super-classes
shape and size definitionc
dimension xdp exactly 1
dimension ydp exactly 1
dimension zdp exactly 1

bulk box feedingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to feed parts directly from bulk, e.g. from boxes. Other commonly used term is bin picking. Machine vision is needed to identify the position and orientation of the parts.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
bulk box feeding
has input capabilityop some locating visualc
has input capabilityop some part storing in bulkc
has item size minop some item sizec
has item size maxop only item sizec
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

capabilityc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability class is a parent class for the specific capability classes, which define the functionalities of resources. Capabilities can be simple or combined capabilities, but they are all saved as sub-classes of the Capability without separating them into different classes. This is because combined capabilities may be aggregated from lower level combined capabilities.
has super-classes
capability definition elementc
has sub-classes
combined capabilityc, simple capabilityc
is in range of
has input capabilityop, refers to capabilityop

capability parameter additionalc back to ToC or Class ToC


In this class are saved some additional parameters related to resources and their capabilities. Different parameter types, which are modelled through a separate class instead of datatype properties of a relevant capability class may be: 1) Parameters, which affect the capability of the resource, but which can not be directly assigned to any capability, e.g. dimensions or weight of the resources. 2) Parameter groups, which can relate to multiple different capabilities, e.g. ItemSize which can be used to indicate the min and max size of an item that can be handled with a certain capability, are implemented as a separate class to improve the reusability of the parameters. 3) Parameter groups, which relate directly to certain capability, but which parameters depend on the nature of the capability. E.g. the workspace type of the movement capability determines the parameters of the workspace and can not thus modelled as datatype properties of the Moving capability directly.
has super-classes
capability definition elementc
has sub-classes
basic resource informationc, force detailc, item sizec, movement rangec, performancec, shape and size definitionc, workspacec

combined capabilityc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is the parent class for all the combined capabilities.
has super-classes
has sub-classes
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, hammeringc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pick and place flexiblec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, ratchet wrench functionc, screwingc, screwing with wrenchc, thread runningc, tightening from sidec, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, twisting driverc, vacuum graspingc
is in domain of
has input capabilityop

cone shapec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to define the dimensional parameters for a cone shaped object.
has super-classes
shape and size definitionc
diameterdp exactly 2
dimension zdp exactly 1

cylinder shapec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to define the dimensional parameters for a cylinder shaped object.
has super-classes
shape and size definitionc
diameterdp exactly 1
dimension zdp exactly 1

drill bit functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a drill bit.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop only material type
has suitable materialop min 1
hole diameterdp min 1
bottom shapedp exactly 1
drill bit typedp exactly 1
drilling depth maxdp exactly 1
tolerance lower valuedp exactly 1
tolerance upper valuedp exactly 1
hole diameterdp max 2
is disjoint with
drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

drillingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to perform drilling operation. For example drill with attached drill bit, or milling machine with attached tool holder and drill bit, has this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some drill bit functionc
has input capabilityop some spinning toolc
has input capabilityop some tool holdingc
has input capabilityop some movingc or moving toolc
has suitable materialop only material type
has suitable materialop min 1
hole diameterdp min 1
bottom shapedp exactly 1
drill bit typedp exactly 1
drilling depth maxdp exactly 1
tolerance lower valuedp exactly 1
tolerance upper valuedp exactly 1
hole diameterdp max 2
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

expanding ring with gripperc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to expand a flexible ring, e.g. o-ring, with a gripper type tool.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop some material type
has allowed item shape and size internal maxop only cylinder shapec
has allowed item shape and size internal minop only cylinder shapec
has shape and size internalop only cylinder shapec
has allowed item shape and size internal maxop exactly 1
has allowed item shape and size internal minop exactly 1
has shape and size internalop exactly 1
force maxdp exactly 1

expansion graspingc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is a capability to grasp items internally by expansion.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has shape and sizeop some shape and size definitionc
grasping typedp value Internal grasping
accuracydp exactly 1
contraction time mindp exactly 1
expansion time mindp exactly 1
expansion maxdp exactly 1
expansion mindp exactly 1
gripper typedp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1

finger functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a finger that is used in a finger gripper. Note! It has been decided in ReCaM that the finger gripper is described as one unit, including the fingers. Therefore, this capability is not used in ReCaM.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
finger typedp min 1
grasping typedp min 1
tolerance lower valuedp exactly 1
tolerance upper valuedp exactly 1
finger typedp max 2
grasping typedp max 2
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

finger graspingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to grasp items with fingers. For example finger gripper (with attached fingers) has this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
finger grasping
has input capabilityop some finger functionc
has input capabilityop some finger gripper functionc
has allowed item shape and size maxop max 4
has allowed item shape and size minop max 4
finger typedp min 1
grasping typedp min 1
accuracydp exactly 1
finger closing time mindp exactly 1
finger numberdp exactly 1
finger opening time mindp exactly 1
finger opening maxdp exactly 1
finger opening mindp exactly 1
force controldp exactly 1
grasping force maxdp exactly 1
grasping force mindp exactly 1
gripper typedp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
position controldp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
finger typedp max 2
grasping typedp max 2
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

finger gripper functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a finger gripper without the fingers. Note! It has been decided in ReCaM that the finger gripper is described as one unit, including the fingers. Therefore, this capability is not used in ReCaM.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
finger closing time mindp exactly 1
finger numberdp exactly 1
finger opening time mindp exactly 1
force controldp exactly 1
grasping force maxdp exactly 1
grasping force mindp exactly 1
gripper typedp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
position controldp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
stroke per finger maxdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

fixturingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to fix items, i.e. to hold them in a fixed position during processing or assembling. For example fixture has this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has allowed item shape and size maxop only shape and size definitionc
has allowed item shape and size minop only shape and size definitionc
has item size maxop max 1
has item size minop max 1
part centeringdp min 1
accuracydp exactly 1
fixturing methoddp exactly 1
force maxdp exactly 1
force mindp exactly 1
force resolutiondp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
dofdp max 6
fixture opening maxdp max 1
fixture opening mindp max 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

force applyingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to apply force to certain directions.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has force detailop only force detailc
has force detailop min 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

force detailc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to store instances related to force directions and minimum and maximum force values. It is used by the ForceApplying capability.
has super-classes
capability parameter additionalc
force directiondp min 1
force maxdp exactly 1
force mindp exactly 1
force resolutiondp exactly 1
is in range of
has force detailop

frame functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to act as a frame in different processes. This capability is used to hold the resource (e.g. in case of riveting or pressing) in relation to the product and to provide the counter force to the applied process force.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
force directiondp min 1
force maxdp exactly 1
force mindp exactly 1
frame typedp exactly 1

hammer functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is the capability of the hammer. Hammer can not do anything alone.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
handle lengthdp exactly 1

hammeringc back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability refers to the ability to exert impact force to a nail or other object.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some hammer functionc
has input capabilityop some movingc
force maxdp exactly 1
stroke maxdp exactly 1

holding by gravityc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to hold items by gravity. For example belt conveyor has this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

impact rivetingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to perform impact riveting. In impact riveting the tool follows linear trajectory.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
impact riveting
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some frame functionc
has input capabilityop some moving toolc
has input capabilityop some rivet holdingc
has input capabilityop some riveting tool functionc
has input capabilityop some rollset functionc
has suitable materialop only material type
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
rivet head shapedp min 1
rivet typedp min 1
force maxdp exactly 1
force mindp exactly 1
stroke maxdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

insertingc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is a capability to insert items by applying some force.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some movingc
has input capabilityop some releasingc
has input capabilityop some finger graspingc or vacuum graspingc
has force detailop only force detailc
has force detailop min 1
accuracydp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

item sizec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to store the dimensional information of items. Can be used to define the max and min item size that can be handled with a certain capability.
has super-classes
capability parameter additionalc
heightdp exactly 1
weightdp exactly 1
diameterdp max 1
lengthdp max 1
widthdp max 1
is in range of
has item size maxop, has item size minop, has rivet size maxop, has rivet size minop

linear movement rangec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is for storing the information about the linear movement ranges. Two values should be given to indicate the movement ranges to different +/- direction from the home position.
has super-classes
movement rangec
translation xdp exactly 2
translation ydp exactly 2
translation zdp exactly 2
is in range of
has linear movement rangeop

locating visualc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to visually detect the orientation and position of the parts, e.g. based on machine vision. This is the capability of the whole camera system, including e.g. lenses, flash and image prosessing. (This capabiility could be further divided into lower level capabilities (VisualSensing, ObjectRecognition and ImageProcessing) but it is out of scope in ReCaM.)
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
algorithm typedp min 1
operation typedp min 1
field of view max xdp exactly 1
field of view max ydp exactly 1
field of view min xdp exactly 1
field of view min ydp exactly 1
focal length maxdp exactly 1
focal length mindp exactly 1
focus distance maxdp exactly 1
focus distance mindp exactly 1
spatial resolution maxdp exactly 1
spatial resolution mindp exactly 1
surface accuracy maxdp exactly 1
surface accuracy mindp exactly 1
vawelength maxdp max 1
wavelength mindp max 1

magnetic graspingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to grasp items by magnet. E.g. screw driver head/tool tip may have this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop exactly 1
holding force maxdp exactly 1

manual tool driver functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is a capability of a manual driver tool, e.g. a screwdriver, without the tool tip (e.g. a screwing head). This capability doesn't have any parameters.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc

millingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to remove material by milling. For example milling machine with attached tooling has this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some fixturingc
has input capabilityop some milling tool functionc
has input capabilityop some spinning toolc
has input capabilityop some movingc or moving toolc
has suitable materialop only material type
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has suitable materialop min 1
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
cutter typedp min 1
accuracydp exactly 1
cutter versiondp exactly 1
cutting edge angledp exactly 1
cutting edge lengthdp exactly 1
insert shapedp exactly 1
nose radiusdp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
spinning speed maxdp exactly 1
teeth numberdp exactly 1
torque maxdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

milling cutter functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a milling cutter.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop only material type
has suitable materialop min 1
cutter typedp exactly 1
cutter versiondp exactly 1
cutting edge angledp exactly 1
cutting edge lengthdp exactly 1
insert shapedp exactly 1
nose radiusdp exactly 1
teeth numberdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

milling tool functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a milling tool, including the tool holder and milling cutter. This capability has no parameters, as this capability is not used alone.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some milling cutter functionc
has input capabilityop some tool holdingc
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

mounting flexible ring externalc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to mount flexible rings, e.g. o-rings, externally around cylindrical shape.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
mounting o ring
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some releasingc
has input capabilityop some expanding ring with gripperc or ogiva toolset functionc
has input capabilityop some movingc or moving toolc
has shape and size internalop only cylinder shapec
has suitable materialop only material type
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has shape and size internalop exactly 1
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
item diameter internal maxdp exactly 1
force maxdp exactly 1
item diameter internal mindp exactly 1
force mindp max 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

movement rangec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to store the dimensional information of movement ranges. Linear and rotational movement ranges are saved in separate classes.
has super-classes
capability parameter additionalc
has sub-classes
linear movement rangec, rotational movement rangec

movingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to move items within a certain workspace. For example a robot and conveyor has this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has linear movement rangeop only linear movement rangec
has rotation movement rangeop only rotational movement rangec
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
has linear movement rangeop max 1
has rotation movement rangeop max 1
accuracydp exactly 1
dof numberdp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
acceleration x maxdp max 1
acceleration y maxdp max 1
acceleration z maxdp max 1
dofdp max 6
speed x maxdp max 1
speed y maxdp max 1
speed z maxdp max 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, moving collaborativec, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

moving collaborativec back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to move items within a certain workspace with collaborative movement. For example a dual arm robot has this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has linear movement rangeop only linear movement rangec
has rotation movement rangeop only rotational movement rangec
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
has linear movement rangeop max 1
has rotation movement rangeop max 1
accuracydp exactly 1
dof numberdp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
acceleration x maxdp max 1
acceleration y maxdp max 1
acceleration z maxdp max 1
dofdp max 6
speed x maxdp max 1
speed y maxdp max 1
speed z maxdp max 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

moving toolc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a machine to move the tool within the machine, e.g. milling machine has this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
accuracydp exactly 1
dof numberdp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
acceleration x maxdp max 1
acceleration y maxdp max 1
acceleration z maxdp max 1
dofdp max 6
speed x maxdp max 1
speed y maxdp max 1
speed z maxdp max 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

ogiva functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capabili ty of an ogiva-shaped tool, which can be used to e.g. expand an o-ring.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has shape and sizeop only cone shapec
has shape and size internalop only cylinder shapec
has shape and sizeop exactly 1
has shape and size internalop exactly 1

ogiva toolset functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to expand a flexible ring, e.g. o-ring, with ogiva shaped tool. Includes the ogiva and the tool that pushes the o-ring from the ogiva.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some ogiva functionc
has input capabilityop some ring mounting tool functionc
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

orbital powerhead functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to act as an orbital powerhead e.g. in orbital riveting or orbital forming process.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop only material type
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
rivet typedp min 1
tool angledp exactly 1

orbital rivetingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to perform orbital riveting. In orbital riveting the tool follows orbital trajectory.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
orbital riveting
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some frame functionc
has input capabilityop some moving toolc
has input capabilityop some orbital powerhead functionc
has input capabilityop some riveting tool functionc
has input capabilityop some spinning toolc
has suitable materialop only material type
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
rivet head shapedp min 1
rivet typedp min 1
force maxdp exactly 1
force mindp exactly 1
spinning speed maxdp exactly 1
spinning speed mindp exactly 1
stroke maxdp exactly 1
tool angledp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

orienting mechanicalc back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability orients an object mechanically. E.g. some guiding features attached to a conveyor may have this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has allowed item shape and size exactop min 0
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 0
has allowed item shape and size minop min 0
accuracydp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

part storing in bulkc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to store parts in a random position and orientation, e.g. in a box.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1

part storing in trayc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to store parts in a dedicated position and orientation on a tray. Feeding tray has this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 1
has allowed item shape and size minop min 1
number of parts maxdp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
picking space dimension xdp exactly 1
picking space dimension ydp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

part storing in tubec back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a feeding tube that is used in tube feeders. Tube refers to a magazine in which the parts are stacked on each other and can be provided to the feeder one by one.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has allowed item shape and size maxop exactly 1
has allowed item shape and size minop exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

performancec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class contains information related to the performance of the resource.
has super-classes
capability parameter additionalc
cycle time averagedp exactly 1

pick and placec back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to pick items and to place them into another location.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
pick and place
has input capabilityop some movingc
has input capabilityop some releasingc
has input capabilityop some expansion graspingc or finger graspingc or magnetic graspingc or vacuum graspingc
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 0
has allowed item shape and size minop min 0
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
has item size maxop max 1
has item size minop max 1
dofdp min 1
accuracydp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
dofdp max 6
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

pick and place flexiblec back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability refers to flexible pick and place, which means that the picking and placing positions are not pre-programmed, but a vision and reasoning is used to detect the correct positions.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
pick and place flexible
has input capabilityop some locating visualc
has input capabilityop some pick and placec
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 0
has allowed item shape and size minop min 0
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
has item size maxop max 1
has item size minop max 1
dofdp min 1
accuracydp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
dofdp max 6

pickingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to perform pick up operation.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some movingc
has input capabilityop some expansion graspingc or finger graspingc or magnetic graspingc or vacuum graspingc
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 0
has allowed item shape and size minop min 0
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop exactly 1
accuracydp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

placingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to perform placing operation.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some movingc
has input capabilityop some releasingc
has input capabilityop some expansion graspingc or finger graspingc or magnetic graspingc or vacuum graspingc
accuracydp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

positioning mechanicalc back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability positions an object mechanically . E.g. some guiding features attached to a conveyor may have this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has allowed item shape and size exactop min 0
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 0
has allowed item shape and size minop min 0
accuracydp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

press tool functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Press tool function represents the capability of the pressing tool. In some cases it may be specifically designed for a certain product shape.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop only material type
has tool shape and sizeop exactly 1
has material type exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

pressingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to perform pressing activity. Pressing may be used e.g. to assemble tight fit joinings. Depending on the size of the product, pressing may require fixturing. This need to be defined in the product requirement description.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some frame functionc
has input capabilityop some press tool functionc
has input capabilityop some movingc or moving toolc
has suitable materialop only material type
has tool shape and sizeop exactly 1
acceleration z maxdp exactly 1
accuracydp exactly 1
force maxdp exactly 1
force mindp exactly 1
force resolutiondp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
speed z maxdp exactly 1
stroke maxdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

pullingc back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability refers to the ability to pull items. E.g. blind riveting machine is able to form the rivets by pulling it towards itself from the rivet mandrel.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop max 1
force maxdp exactly 1
stroke maxdp exactly 1
force mindp max 1

pyramid shapec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to define the dimensional parameters for a pyramid shaped object.
has super-classes
shape and size definitionc
dimension xdp exactly 2
dimension ydp exactly 2
dimension zdp exactly 1

radial powerhead functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to act as a radial powerhead e.g. in radial riveting or radial forming process.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop only material type
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
rivet typedp min 1
tool angle maxdp exactly 1
tool angle mindp exactly 1

radial rivetingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to perform radial riveting. In radial riveting the tool follows radial trajectory.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
radial riveting
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some frame functionc
has input capabilityop some moving toolc
has input capabilityop some radial powerhead functionc
has input capabilityop some riveting tool functionc
has input capabilityop some spinning toolc
has suitable materialop only material type
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
rivet head shapedp min 1
rivet typedp min 1
force maxdp exactly 1
force mindp exactly 1
spinning speed maxdp exactly 1
spinning speed mindp exactly 1
stroke maxdp exactly 1
tool angle maxdp exactly 1
tool angle mindp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

ratchet functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is the capability of a ratchet (wrench) without the socket.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
arm of forcedp exactly 1

ratchet wrench functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is a capability of a ratchet wrench with the attached socket.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some ratchet functionc
has input capabilityop value screwing head function
screw typedp min 1
arm of forcedp exactly 1
screw sizedp exactly 1

releasingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to release items which have been grasped. E.g. gripper has this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

ring mounting tool functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of an tool, which is used to push the o-ring or other flexible ring on top of ogiva to expand the o-ring.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop only material type
item diameter internal maxdp max 1
item diameter external maxdp max 1
item diameter external mindp max 1
item diameter internal mindp max 1

rivet holdingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to hold the rivet during the riveting process. This capability is needed e.g. in impact riveting.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
rivet typedp min 1

riveting tool functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of the riveting tool. This tool is the one which delivers force to the rivet during the riveting process. In case of orbital and radial riveting, this tool is used to form the rivet while in case of impact riveting the actual forming tool is on the other side of the product.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop only material type
has suitable materialop min 1
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
rivet head shapedp min 1
rivet typedp min 1

rollset functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is the capability to act as a rollset during riveting process. In impact riveting, it is the capability of the tool below the workpiece. This tool does the actual forming of the rivet, while the rivet is being pushed with another tool from another side of the product.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has suitable materialop only material type
has suitable materialop min 1
has rivet size maxop exactly 1
has rivet size minop exactly 1
rivet head shapedp min 1
rivet typedp min 1

rotational movement rangec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is for storing the information about the rotational movement ranges. Two values should be given to indicate the movement ranges to different +/- direction from the home position.
has super-classes
movement rangec
rotation xdp exactly 2
rotation ydp exactly 2
rotation zdp exactly 2
is in range of
has rotation movement rangeop

screwingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to perform screwing operation. For example screwdriver with attached screwing head has this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some screwing head functionc
has input capabilityop some movingc or moving toolc
has input capabilityop some spinning toolc or twisting driverc
screw sizedp min 1
screw typedp min 1
screwing head effective lengthdp exactly 1
spinning speed maxdp exactly 1
spinning speed mindp exactly 1
torque maxdp exactly 1
torque mindp max 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

screwing head functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
simple capabilityc
screw sizedp min 1
screw typedp min 1
screwing head sizedp exactly 1
screwing head effective lengthdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc
is also defined as
named individual

screwing with wrenchc back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability refers to a process in which the nut, bolt or screw is tightened by a wrench type tooling.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some movingc or moving toolc
has input capabilityop some ratchet wrench functionc or wrench functionc
torque maxdp exactly 1
nut size maxdp max 1
nut size mindp max 1
screw sizedp max 1
screw typedp max 5
torque mindp max 1

shape and size definitionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class includes the different shape definitions that can be used to describe e.g. allowable shapes and sizes of objects that can be handled, or the shape of a mould or adapter on a high level. The sub-classes (ConeShape, BoxShape, CylinderShape, PyramidShape and SphereShape) define the dimensional parameters for different shapes.
has super-classes
capability parameter additionalc
massdp max 1
has sub-classes
box shapec, cone shapec, cylinder shapec, pyramid shapec, sphere shapec
is in range of
has allowed item shape and size exactop, has allowed item shape and size internal maxop, has allowed item shape and size internal minop, has allowed item shape and size maxop, has allowed item shape and size minop, has fixturing shape and space maxop, has fixturing shape and space minop, has shape and sizeop, has tool shape and sizeop

simple capabilityc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is the parent class for all the simple capabilities.
has super-classes
has sub-classes
drill bit functionc, expanding ring with gripperc, expansion graspingc, finger functionc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, frame functionc, hammer functionc, holding by gravityc, locating visualc, magnetic graspingc, manual tool driver functionc, milling cutter functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva functionc, orbital powerhead functionc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in bulkc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pullingc, radial powerhead functionc, ratchet functionc, releasingc, ring mounting tool functionc, rivet holdingc, riveting tool functionc, rollset functionc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, storingc, tool holdingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, twistingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum gripper functionc, wrench functionc

sphere shapec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to define the dimensional parameters for a sphere shaped object.
has super-classes
shape and size definitionc
diameterdp exactly 1

spinning toolc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to rotate (to spin) a tool. For example drill, screwdriver and milling machine has this capability.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
spinning directiondp min 1
spindle concentricitydp exactly 1
spinning speed maxdp exactly 1
spinning speed mindp exactly 1
torque maxdp exactly 1
rotations maxdp max 1
torque mindp max 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

storingc back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability is for storing items, e.g. in a warehouse or in part magazine.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
number of parts maxdp max 1

thread runningc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to run parts on thread. Basically this means capability to spin the parts.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
thread running
has input capabilityop some finger graspingc
has input capabilityop some spinning toolc
has input capabilityop some movingc or moving toolc
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 1
has allowed item shape and size minop min 1
has item size maxop max 1
has item size minop max 1
spinning directiondp min 1
spinning speed maxdp exactly 1
spinning speed mindp exactly 1
torque maxdp exactly 1
torque mindp exactly 1
rotations maxdp max 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

tightening from sidec back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability refers to a process where a nut (or some other part with threads) is tightened from the side. The tool can not access from above.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
tightening from side
has input capabilityop some force applyingc
has input capabilityop some wrench functionc
has input capabilityop some movingc or moving toolc
nut size maxdp exactly 1
nut size mindp exactly 1
torque maxdp exactly 1
torque mindp exactly 1

tool holdingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to hold a tool. For example tool holder in a machining centre has this capability. The information related to the tool and tool holder interfaces is handled by the interface descriptions of the resources. Here only such parameters are included, which affect to the processing capability of the resource and resource combination.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
tool entry maxdp exactly 1
tool entry mindp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

transport feedingc back to ToC or Class ToC


This capability feeds part by transporting, positioning and orienting the parts to a desired place. For example conveyor with positioning elements may have this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
transportation based feeding
has input capabilityop some transportingc
has input capabilityop some locating visualc or orienting mechanicalc
has input capabilityop some locating visualc or positioning mechanicalc
has allowed item shape and size exactop min 0
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 0
has allowed item shape and size minop min 0
has item size maxop max 1
has item size minop max 1
accuracydp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

transportingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to transport items from one place to another. For example robot attached with a gripper, or conveyor alone have this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some movingc
has input capabilityop some expansion graspingc or finger graspingc or holding by gravityc or magnetic graspingc or vacuum graspingc
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 0
has allowed item shape and size minop min 0
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop exactly 1
has workspace type and dimensionsop exactly 1
dofdp min 1
accuracydp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
acceleration x maxdp max 1
acceleration y maxdp max 1
acceleration z maxdp max 1
dofdp max 6
speed x maxdp max 1
speed y maxdp max 1
speed z maxdp max 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

transporting collaborativec back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to transport items from one place to another by collaborative movement. For example a dual-arm robot attached with two grippers has this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
transporting collaborative
has input capabilityop some moving collaborativec
has specialnput capabilityop some finger graspingc or magnetic graspingc or vacuum graspingc
has allowed item shape and size maxop only shape and size definitionc
has allowed item shape and size minop only shape and size definitionc
has workspace type and dimensionsop only workspacec
has item size maxop exactly 2
has item size minop exactly 2
has specialnput capabilityop exactly 2
accuracydp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
acceleration x maxdp max 1
acceleration y maxdp max 1
acceleration z maxdp max 1
dofdp max 6
speed x maxdp max 1
speed y maxdp max 1
speed z maxdp max 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drillingc, finger graspingc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, screwingc, thread runningc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc

tray feedingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to feed parts on trays. For example tray feeder attached with compatible tray has this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
tray feeding
has input capabilityop some part storing in trayc
has input capabilityop some tray holdingc
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 1
has allowed item shape and size minop min 1
has shape and sizeop exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
picking space dimension xdp exactly 1
picking space dimension ydp exactly 1
number of parts maxdp max 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

tray holdingc back to ToC or Class ToC


The device has ability to act as a tray feeder (tray itself not included).
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has allowed object sizeop only item sizec
has allowed object sizeop min 1
payloaddp exactly 1
tray capacitydp exactly 1
tray changer automaticdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

tube feeder base functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a tube feeder base (only the feeder part, tube excluded). Tube feeder base is the module which holds the tube (magazine) and pushes one part at the time to the feeding position.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has item size maxop exactly 1
has item size minop exactly 1
accuracydp exactly 1
feed rate maxdp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

tube feedingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to feed parts from a tube. This is a capability of a tube feeder consisting of the tube (maganize) and the feeder base unit along with the part positioning and orienting units.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
tube feeding
has input capabilityop some orienting mechanicalc
has input capabilityop some part storing in tubec
has input capabilityop some positioning mechanicalc
has input capabilityop some tube feeder base functionc
has allowed item shape and size exactop min 0
has allowed item shape and size maxop min 0
has allowed item shape and size minop min 0
accuracydp exactly 1
feed rate maxdp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
repeatabilitydp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

twistingc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is the manual capability of a human to twist (rotate) e.g. a screwdriver.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
spinning speed maxdp exactly 1
spinning speed mindp exactly 1
torque maxdp exactly 1
torque mindp max 1

twisting driverc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is the capability of twisting (rotating) a tool driver. Consists of the tool driver function itself and the twisting done by human.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
has input capabilityop some manual tool driver functionc
has input capabilityop some twistingc

vacuum cup functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of a vacuum cup.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
has material type exactly 1
bellowsdp exactly 1
diameterdp exactly 1
height compensationdp exactly 1
holding force maxdp exactly 1
lateral force maxdp exactly 1
pressure nominaldp exactly 1
vacuum pressure maxdp exactly 1
volumedp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum graspingc, vacuum gripper functionc

vacuum graspingc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability to grasp items by vacuum. For example a vacuum gripper with ejector and vacuum cup(s) has this capability.
has super-classes
combined capabilityc
vacuum grasping
has input capabilityop some vacuum cup functionc
has input capabilityop some vacuum gripper functionc
has item size minop exactly 1
bellowsdp exactly 1
cup numberdp exactly 1
height compensationdp exactly 1
holding force maxdp exactly 1
lateral force maxdp exactly 1
payloaddp exactly 1
volumedp exactly 1
is disjoint with
blind rivetingc, bulk box feedingc, drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, impact rivetingc, insertingc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, mounting flexible ring externalc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, ogiva toolset functionc, orbital rivetingc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, placingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, radial rivetingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, thread runningc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, transporting collaborativec, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum gripper functionc

vacuum gripper functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


Capability of the ejector and vacuum gripper body.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
suction capacity maxdp exactly 1
vacuum pressure maxdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
drill bit functionc, drillingc, finger functionc, finger graspingc, finger gripper functionc, fixturingc, force applyingc, holding by gravityc, millingc, milling cutter functionc, milling tool functionc, movingc, moving collaborativec, moving toolc, orienting mechanicalc, part storing in trayc, part storing in tubec, pick and placec, pickingc, positioning mechanicalc, press tool functionc, pressingc, releasingc, screwingc, screwing head functionc, spinning toolc, tool holdingc, transport feedingc, transportingc, tray feedingc, tray holdingc, tube feeder base functionc, tube feedingc, vacuum cup functionc, vacuum graspingc

workspacec back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to save the information about the workspace of the moving capability. The sub-classes (WorkspaceArticulated, WorkspaceCartesian, WorkspacePolar) define the dimensional parameters of the specific workspace type.
has super-classes
capability parameter additionalc
has sub-classes
workspace articulatedc, workspace cartesianc, workspace cylinderc, workspace polarc
is in range of
has workspace type and dimensionsop

workspace articulatedc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to save the information of an articulated workspace. The definition is simpliified.
has super-classes
height bottomdp exactly 1
height topdp exactly 1
radius innerdp exactly 1
radius outerdp exactly 1
rotation angledp exactly 1
is disjoint with
workspace cartesianc, workspace cylinderc, workspace polarc

workspace cartesianc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to save the information of a cartesian workspace (box/cube).
has super-classes
dimension xdp exactly 1
dimension ydp exactly 1
dimension zdp exactly 1
is disjoint with
workspace articulatedc, workspace cylinderc, workspace polarc

workspace cylinderc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to save the information of a cylindrical workspace.
has super-classes
dimension zdp exactly 1
radius innerdp exactly 1
radius outerdp exactly 1
rotation angledp exactly 1
is disjoint with
workspace articulatedc, workspace cartesianc, workspace polarc

workspace polarc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class is used to save the information of a polar workspace.
has super-classes
height bottomdp exactly 1
height topdp exactly 1
radius innerdp exactly 1
radius outerdp exactly 1
rotation angledp exactly 1
is disjoint with
workspace articulatedc, workspace cartesianc, workspace cylinderc

wrench functionc back to ToC or Class ToC


This is a capability of a wrench type tool, e.g. open ended wrench or monkey wrench.
has super-classes
simple capabilityc
arm of forcedp exactly 1
nut size maxdp exactly 1
nut size mindp exactly 1

Object Properties

capability parameters additionalop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This is a parent property for object properties which are used to relate the capabilities to additional capability parameters.

has allowed item shape and size exactop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to define the exact allowable shape and size that can be handled with the specific capability. This property may get multiple values. .

has allowed item shape and size internal maxop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to define the shape and maximun internal size of items that can be handled with the capability.

has allowed item shape and size internal minop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to define the shape and minimun internal size of items that can be handled with the capability.

has allowed item shape and size maxop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to define the shape and maximun size of items that can be handled with the capability.

has allowed item shape and size minop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to define the shape and minimum size of items that can be handled with the capability.

has allowed object sizeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This parameter is used to save the allowed size of the associated object, e.g. a tray of a tray feeder.
has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop

has fixturing shape and space maxop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This parameter is used to save the information related to the maximum size and shape of the fixtured product. This property is used if the shape is relevant. Otherwise the bounding box type parameter hasItemSize_max can be used.

has fixturing shape and space minop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This parameter is used to save the information related to the minimum size and shape of the fixtured product. This parameter is used if the shape is relevant. Otherwise the bounding box type parameter hasItemSize_min can be used.

has force detailop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This parameter is used to refer to the min and max force values and direction of the force.
has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
force detailc

has input capabilityop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to indicate from which capabilities a certain combined capability is composed of.
has sub-properties
has specialnput capabilityop
has domain
combined capabilityc
has range

has item size maxop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This prop erty is used to link the capabilities to the maximum item size they can handle. If the shape is critical, then another parameter called hasAllowedItemShapeAndSize_max should be used.
has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
item sizec

has item size minop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to link the capabilities to the minimum item size they can handle. If the shape is critical, then another parameter called hasAllowedItemShapeAndSize_min should be used.
has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
item sizec

has linear movement rangeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This parameter is used to give details on the movement ranges of translational movement capability.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
linear movement rangec

has rivet size maxop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to link to the definition of a maximum rivet size that can be handled with the capability. Can be used to define both the length and diameter.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
item sizec

has rivet size minop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to link to the definition of a minimum rivet size that can be handled with the capability. Can be used to define both the length and diameter.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
item sizec

has rotation movement rangeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This parameter is used to give details on the movement ranges of rotational capability.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
rotational movement rangec

has shape and sizeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to associate an object to a shape definition, i.e. to present the shape and size of the object, which is critical for determining the match between product requirements. It can be used e.g. to define the shape of a tool.

has shape and size internalop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to associate an object to a shape definition, i.e. to present the internal shape of an object, which is critical for determining the match between product requirements.
has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop

has specialnput capabilityop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to save qualified property restrictions for input capabilities.
has super-properties
has input capabilityop

has suitable materialop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to indicate the suitable materials that can be processed with the capability.
has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
material type

has tool shape and sizeop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property indicates the shape and size of the tool used to accomplish this capability.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range
shape and size definitionc

has workspace type and dimensionsop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to link the moving capability to a certain workspace type and its dimensions.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameters additionalop
has range

refers to capabilityop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


has characteristics : functional

has range

Data Properties

acceleration x maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum acceleration in x-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
moving parameterdp
has range

acceleration y maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum acceleration in y-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
moving parameterdp
has range

acceleration z maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum acceleration in z-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
moving parameterdp
has range

accuracydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Accuracy of the capability.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

algorithm typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


<p style="margin-top: 0"> Type of the machine vision algorithm. </p>
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range
{ "blob" , "circle_fitting" , "pattern_matching" , "surface_matching" }

arm of forcedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Unit: millimeter (mm)

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

bellowsdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property is used to indicate if the vacuum cup has bellows or not. Gets Boolean value (true | false).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

bottom shapedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Shape of the hole's bottom, that can be achieved with the tool, i.e. angle of the tool tip.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
drill bit parameterdp
has range

capability parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This is a parent property for all the capability related datatype properties.
has sub-properties
accuracydp, algorithm typedp, arm of forcedp, bellowsdp, contraction time mindp, cup numberdp, cutter parameterdp, dofdp, dof numberdp, drill bit parameterdp, expansion maxdp, expansion mindp, expansion time mindp, feed rate maxdp, field of view max xdp, field of view max ydp, field of view min xdp, field of view min ydp, finger gripper parameterdp, fixing parameterdp, fixturing methoddp, focal length maxdp, focal length mindp, focus distance maxdp, focus distance mindp, force directiondp, force maxdp, force mindp, force resolutiondp, frame typedp, frictiondp, handle lengthdp, height compensationdp, holding forcedp, holding force maxdp, lateral force maxdp, moving parameterdp, number of parts maxdp, nut size maxdp, nut size mindp, operation typedp, part centeringdp, payloaddp, picking space dimension xdp, picking space dimension ydp, pressure nominaldp, repeatabilitydp, ring size parameterdp, rivet head shapedp, rivet typedp, rotations maxdp, screwing head parameterdp, screwing head sizedp, spatial resolution maxdp, spatial resolution mindp, spindle concentricitydp, spinning directiondp, spinning speed parameterdp, stroke maxdp, suction capacity maxdp, surface accuracy maxdp, surface accuracy mindp, tolerance lower valuedp, tolerance upper valuedp, tool angledp, tool angle maxdp, tool angle mindp, tool effective lengthdp, tool entry parametersdp, torque parametersdp, tray capacitydp, tray changer automaticdp, vacuum pressure maxdp, vawelength maxdp, wavelength mindp

contraction time mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum time it takes to contract (release) an expanding gripper.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

cup numberdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Amount of vacuum cups in the vacuum gripper

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

cutter parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parent property for capability parameters relating to cutters, e.g. milling or turning cutters.

cutter typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Type of the cutter. Can be e.g. face mill.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
cutter parameterdp
has range
{ "end mill" , "face mill" }

cutter versiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Version of the tool. Can be "right handed" or "left handed".

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
cutter parameterdp
has range
{ "Left handed" , "Right handed" }

cutting edge angledp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Angle of the cutting edge.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
cutter parameterdp
has range

cutting edge lengthdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Length of the cutting edge.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
cutter parameterdp
has range

cycle time averagedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Average cycle time of one operation cycle with the given resource.

has characteristics : functional

has range

diameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Diameter of an entity.
has range

dimension xdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Dimension in x-direction.
has range

dimension ydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Dimension in y-direction.
has range

dimension zdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Dimension in z-direction.
has range

dofdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Degrees of freedom of the movement.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range
{ "Rotate_X" , "Rotate_Y" , "Rotate_Z" , "Translate_X" , "Translate_Y" , "Translate_Z" }

dof numberdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Number (amount) of degrees of freedom of the movement.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

drill bit parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameters relating to drill bits.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has sub-properties
bottom shapedp, drill bit typedp, drilling depth maxdp, hole diameterdp

drill bit typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Type of the drill. Value can be selected from enumerated list, e.g. U-drill, Unibit,...

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
drill bit parameterdp
has range
{ "CenterDrillBit" , "TwistBit" , "U-drill" , "Unibit" }

drilling depth maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum depth that can be drilled with the drill bit.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
drill bit parameterdp
has range

expansion maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This is the maximum expansion of an expanding gripper.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

expansion mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This is the miminum expansion of the expanding gripper (minimum by which it can still hold items).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

expansion time mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum time it takes to expand the gripper in maximum.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

feed rate maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum feed rate of the capability. Represented as parts/second.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

field of view max xdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum field of view in x-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

field of view max ydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum field of view in y-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

field of view min xdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum field of view in x-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

field of view min ydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum field of view in y-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

finger closing time mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum closing time of the gripper fingers.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

finger gripper parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameters relating to finger grippers.

finger numberdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Number of fingers in the gripper

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

finger opening maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum opening of the fingers. In case of 3-finger gripper, this value defines the diameter, while in case of 2-finger gripper it defines the distance between the fingers.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

finger opening mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum opening of the fingers. In case of 3-finger gripper, this value defines the diameter, while in case of 2-finger gripper it defines the distance between the fingers.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

finger opening time mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum opening time of the gripper fingers (fastest possible).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

finger typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Type of the fingers' grasping method. Can get value:"Friction" or "Mechanical"
has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range
{ "Friction" , "Mechanical" }

fixing force maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum fixing force of the fixture.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
fixing parameterdp
has range

fixing force mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum fixing force of the fixture.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
fixing parameterdp
has range

fixing parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameters relating to fixturing capability.

fixing pointsdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Number of fixing points or surfaces in the fixture.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
fixing parameterdp
has range

fixture opening maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum opening of the fixture fixing elements. E.g. in case of a clamping type fixture, it is the maximum opening of the fixturing jaws .

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
fixing parameterdp
has range

fixture opening mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum opening of the fixture fixing elements. E.g in case of a clamping type fixture, it is the minimum opening of the fixturing jaws .

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
fixing parameterdp
has range

fixturing methoddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property is used to indicate the method on how the fixture works. It gets values from enumerated list.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

focal length maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

focal length mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

focus distance maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum allowed focus distance of the camera system.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

focus distance mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum allowed focus distance of the camera system.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

force controldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameter indicating if the capability provides force control or not? Gets boolean value (true or false)

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

force directiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Directios where the force can be applied.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range
{ "+X" , "+Y" , "+Z" , "-X" , "-Y" , "-Z" }

force maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum force that the capability can apply (N).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

force mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum force that the capability can apply .

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

force resolutiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum resolution on which the force can be controlled.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

frame typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Indicates the shape of the frame which gives the counterforce to the applied process force. Gets values from enumerated list.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range
{ "C-frame" , "H-frame" , "O-frame" }

frictiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Current version :
TODO: The friction depends on the material of the grasped item. Can this parameter even exist without the product?
Friction provided by the capability, e.g. friction of the finger gripper fingers.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

grasping force maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximun grasping force of the gripper.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

grasping force mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum grasping force of the gripper.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

grasping typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Type of the grasping. Can get values internal grasping and/or external grasping.
has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range
{ "External grasping" , "Internal grasping" }

gripper typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Type of the gripper. Can get the following values: "Parallel", "3-point", "Radial", or "Angular".

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range
{ "3-point" , "Angular" , "Parallel" , "Radial" }

handle lengthdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property is used to model the length of the handle, e.g. in case of a hammer.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

heightdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Height of an entity.

has characteristics : functional

has range

height bottomdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Height of the area in the sphere bottom, not belonging to a device workspace
has range

height compensationdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


How much cup retracts when grasping occurs?
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

height topdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Height of the area in the shere top, not belonging to a certain workspace.
has range

holding forcedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maxomum holding force to hold items, e.g. in case of magnetic grasping.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

holding force maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Theoretical holding force of the device in a default pressure. .

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

hole diameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Diameter of the drilled hole, i.e. drill bit diameter. In case of unibit type drill bit, two values for the diameter can be given.
has super-properties
drill bit parameterdp
has range

insert shapedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Shape of the insert (angle).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
cutter parameterdp
has range

item diameter external maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum external diameter of the handled item.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
ring size parameterdp
has range

item diameter external mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Miniimum external diameter of the handled item.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
ring size parameterdp
has range

item diameter internal maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum internal diameter of the handled item.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
ring size parameterdp
has range

item diameter internal mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum internal diameter of the handled item.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
ring size parameterdp
has range

lateral force maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Theoretical lateral holding force of the vacuum gripper at the nominal pressure.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

lengthdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Length of an entity.

has characteristics : functional

has range

massdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property defines the mass of an entity.

has characteristics : functional

has range

moving parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameters relating to the moving capability.

namedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Name of the entity.

has characteristics : functional

has range

nose radiusdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Nose radius of the cutting insert.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
cutter parameterdp
has range

number of parts maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum number of parts the capability can handle.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

nut size maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum size of nut or bolt (the head that attaches with the tool)

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

nut size mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum size of the nut (the head that attaches to the tool).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

operation typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Type of operation of the machine vision algorithm.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range
{ "color_recognition" , "existence_recognition" , "localization" , "shape_recognition" }

part centeringdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property is used to tell if the fixturing is centering or not. Gets boolean value: 1 meaning "yes", 0 meaning "no".
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

payloaddp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Payload related to the given capability.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

picking space dimension xdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameter relating to the dimensions of the picking up space in feeder, e.g. in a tray. This will affect to the required workspace of the picking resource.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

picking space dimension ydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameter relating to the dimensions of the picking up space in feeder, e.g. in a tray. This will affect to the required workspace of the picking resource.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

position controldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameter indicating if the capability provides position control or not? Gets boolean value: 1 meaning "yes", 0 meaning "no".

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

pressure nominaldp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

radius innerdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Inner radius of a workspace
has range

radius outerdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Outer radius of a workspace
has range

repeatabilitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Repeatability of a given capability.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

ring size parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parent property for different ring size related properties.

rivet head shapedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Defines the shape of the rivet that can be achieved with this capability. Gets values from enumerated list: “button”, “truss”, “oval”, “flat countersunk”, “pan”, “flat”, “cone”.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range
{ "button" , "cone" , "flat" , "flat countersunk" , "oval" , "pan" , "truss" }

rivet typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Type of the rivet that can be riveted with this capability. Gets values from enumerated list: “solid”, “semitubular”, “tubular”, “split”, “compression”, “blind”.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range
{ "blind" , "compression" , "countersunk" , "semitubular" , "solid" , "split" , "tubular" }

rotation angledp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Rotation angle of a workspace.
has range

rotation xdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property defines the rotation angles of an X-axis. Two values should be provided for this property, + and - values.
has range

rotation ydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property defines the rotation angles of an Y-axis. Two values should be provided for this property, + and - values.
has range

rotation zdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property defines the rotation angles of an Z-axis. Two values should be provided for this property, + and - values.
has range

rotations maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Max imum amount of rotations that the device can take.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

screw sizedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Size of a screw for which the screwing head is meant for.
has super-properties
screwing head parameterdp
has range

screw typedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Type of the screwing head for which the tool is meant for, e.g. "torx", "phillips" etc.
has super-properties
screwing head parameterdp
has range
{ "cross" , "hex_bolt" , "hex_socket" , "phillips" , "pozidriv" , "robertson" , "security_T" , "slotted" , "torx" }

screwing head effective lengthdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This parameter indicates the effective length of the screwing head. It means the length of the tool outside the screw driver. This information can be used to define how deep inside a material the screw can be screwed.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
screwing head parameterdp
has range

screwing head parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Para meters relating to the screwing head capability.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has sub-properties
screw sizedp, screw typedp, screwing head effective lengthdp

screwing head sizedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Size of the screwing head . In case of standard size, it may be unitless. Otherwise mm.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

spatial resolution maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum spatial resolution (in maximum focus distance).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

spatial resolution mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum spatial resolution (in minimum focus distance).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

speed x maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum speed (velocity) in x-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
moving parameterdp
has range

speed y maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum speed (velocity) in y-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
moving parameterdp
has range

speed z maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum speed (velocity) in z-direction.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
moving parameterdp
has range

spindle concentricitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Concentricity of the spindle movement.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

spinning directiondp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Directions into which the device can spin (rotate). Can get values: "clockwise" or "counterclockwise"
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range
{ "clockwise" , "counterclockwise" }

spinning speed maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum spinning (rotation) speed (rpm).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
spinning speed parameterdp
has range

spinning speed mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Miminum spinning (rotation) speed (rpm).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
spinning speed parameterdp
has range

spinning speed parameterdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameters relating to spinning speed (rotation speed).
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has sub-properties
spinning speed maxdp, spinning speed mindp

stroke maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum stroke of the movement.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

stroke per finger maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum movement range of a finger.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
finger gripper parameterdp
has range

stroke per fixing maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum stroke of the fixing elements in the fixture.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
fixing parameterdp
has range

suction capacity maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum suction capacity of the device (l/min).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

surface accuracy maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum surface accuracy (in maximum focus distance).
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

surface accuracy mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum surface accuracy (in minimum focus distance).

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

teeth numberdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Number of teeth in the cutter tool.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
cutter parameterdp
has range

tolerance lower valuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Tolerance (lower value) relating to a specific capability.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

tolerance upper valuedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Tolerance (upper value) relating to a specific capability.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

tool angledp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Defines the angle of the tool in the tool holder.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

tool angle maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Defines the maximum angle of the tool in the device. In case of radial riveting the tool angle changes during the process.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

tool angle mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Defines the minimum angle of the tool in the device. In case of radial riveting the tool angle changes during the process.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

tool effective lengthdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This parameter indicates the effective length of the tool, which means the length of the tool outside the holding element.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

tool entry currentdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
tool entry parametersdp
has range

tool entry maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


The maximum depth the tool can enter inside the tool holder or machine.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
tool entry parametersdp
has range

tool entry mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
tool entry parametersdp
has range

tool entry parametersdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameters for saving the inforamation about max and min values for the tool entry inside the tool holder. These should be moved to the interfae description!?
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has sub-properties
tool entry currentdp, tool entry maxdp, tool entry mindp

torque defaultdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Default torque that can be applied.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
torque parametersdp
has range

torque maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Maximum torque that can be applied.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
torque parametersdp
has range

torque mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Minimum torque that can be applied.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
torque parametersdp
has range

torque parametersdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Parameters relating to the torque of the capability.
has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has sub-properties
torque defaultdp, torque maxdp, torque mindp

translation xdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property defines the translation dimension along an X-axis. Two values should be provided for this property, + and - values.
has range

translation ydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property defines the translation dimension along an Y-axis. Two values should be provided for this property, + and - values.
has range

translation zdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property defines the translation dimension along an Z-axis. Two values should be provided for this property, + and - values.
has range

tray capacitydp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This parameter indicates the amount of trays that can be put to the tray feeder.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

tray changer automaticdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This property is used to indicate if the tray feeder can automatically change trays.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

vacuum pressure maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Lowest operating pressure (highest vacuum) the gripper can operate with. Negative value expected.

has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

vawelength maxdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has characteristics : functional

has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

volumedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Volume of an entity
has range

wavelength mindp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


has super-properties
capability parameterdp
has range

weightdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Unit: Kilograms (kg)

has characteristics : functional

has range

widthdp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


Unit: Millimeters (mm)

has characteristics : functional

has range

Namespace Declarations back to ToC

default namespace

This HTML document was obtained by processing the OWL ontology source code through LODE, Live OWL Documentation Environment, developed by Silvio Peroni .