Class MatchMaker

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MatchMaker
    extends Object
    implements IMatchMaker
    This class handles the match making process itself.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MatchMaker

        public MatchMaker()
        Create a matchmaker for processing a single match making request. Always create a new matchmaker for each request. This matchmaker uses matchmaking ontology from the server not the local copy.
      • MatchMaker

        public MatchMaker​(boolean useLocalRules)
        Create a matchmaker for processing a single match making request. Always create a new matchmaker for each request.
        useLocalRules - If true uses local copy of matchmaking rules if false use rules from server.
    • Method Detail

      • getMatchmakingRequest

        public MatchmakingReq getMatchmakingRequest()
        Get the matchmaking request used in executing the matchmaking.
        Null before makeMatch is called. After that request given to makeMatch.
      • getClient

        public fi.tut.mei.capabilityQueryLib.Client getClient()
        Get CapabilityQueryLibrary Client used by the matchmaker.
        the Client used
      • makeMatch

        public MatchmakingResult makeMatch​(String config,
                                           MatchmakingReq mmReq,
                                           Map<String,​InputStream> prds,
                                           Map<String,​InputStream> resources)
        performs the match making process based on given parameters.
        Specified by:
        makeMatch in interface IMatchMaker
        config - Match making configuration
        mmReq - the match making request that defines which process steps are matched for and other options for the process.
        prds - The product requirement ontologies for which the process is performed. Key is the prdid and input should contain a valid process requirements ontology.
        resources - Resources available for the match making process. Contains resource instance ontologies for each involved resource catalogue and/or an existing system layout. Key is catalogue id or layout id and value a resource instances ontology in the rdf/xml format .
      • setCombinedCapabilityOntology

        public void setCombinedCapabilityOntology​(InputStream input)
        Give MatchMaker a previously created combinations ontology whose resources are used in matchmaking. If combinations is given before executing makeMatch MatchMaker does not calculated combined capabilities or create combination possibilities. Resource instances given to make match should correspond to combinations i.e. combinations contains combined capabilities calculated from them or device combination possibilities created from them.
        input - A combinations ontology for example created by a previous MatchMaker instance
      • getCombinedCapabilityOntology

        public org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel getCombinedCapabilityOntology()
        Get the combinations used in matchmaking. Can be called after makeMatch to get combinations used. Can contain combined capabilities calculated for existing resources or generated combination possibilities.
        MatchMakers combinations ontology. Can be used with a new MatchMaker.
      • setResultOntologies

        public void setResultOntologies​(Map<String,​InputStream> results)
        Give matchmaking result ontologies that will be used to create the matchmaking result. Can be used before makeMatch in which case matchmaking rules are not executed and the previously created result ontologies are used instead to create the matchmaking result. If this is used the corresponding combinations has to be also given and the same resource instances has to be given to makeMatch
        results - result ontologies from previous matchmaking operations. Key is id of the prd ontology contains result for.
      • getResultOntologies

        public Map<String,​org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel> getResultOntologies()
        After executing makeMatch get result ontologies.
        For each prd ontology containing matchmaking results for it i.e. results of executing the matchmaking rules. Key is prd id.