Class ResCatStoImpl_LocalFileSystem

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IIssueActions<ResCatIssue>, IResCatConfigureLocal, ResCatStorageInterface

    public class ResCatStoImpl_LocalFileSystem
    extends ResCatStoImpl
    implements ResCatStorageInterface, IResCatConfigureLocal
    This is a Resource Catalogue Storage Platform implementation for local file system usage. It works with a resource catalogue having one folder for ARDs and another one for RDs.
    Usage: After instantiation one should set the folder locations for the ARDs and RDs by using corresponding methods: setFolderLocationForARDs and setFolderLocationForRDs. ClearRegisters should be called, if old data should be removed.After this updateRegister should be called, which will update the catalogue storage internal data and indexes.
    Niko Siltala